Bharat Bhushan
Nanoprobe Lab for Bio- & Nanotechnology and Biomimetics
Dr Bharat Bhushan is an Ohio Eminent Scholar and The Howard D Winbigler Professor in the Professor in the College of Engineering and the Director of the Nanoprobe Laboratory for Bio Nanotechnology and Biomimetics NLB2 at the Ohio State University Columbus Ohio He holds two MS a PhD in mechanical engineering/mechanics an MBA and three semihonorary and honorary doctorates His research interests include fundamental studies with a focus on scanning probe techniques in the interdisciplinary areas of bio/nanotribology bio/nanomechanics and bio/nanomaterials characterization and applications to bio/nanotechnology and biomimetics He has authored 7 scientific books more than 90 handbook chapters more than 700 scientific papers h index – 48; ISI Highly Cited in Materials Science since 2007 and more than 60 scientific reports edited more than 50 books and holds 17 US and foreign patents He is coeditor of Springer NanoScience and Technology Series and Microsystem Technologies He has organized various international conferences and workshops He is the recipient of numerous prestigious awards and international fellowships including the Alexander von Humboldt Research Prize for Senior Scientists Max Planck Foundation Research Award for Outstanding Foreign Scientists and the Fulbright Senior Scholar Award He is a member of various professional societies including the International Academy of Engineering Russia He has previously worked for various research labs including IBM Almaden Research Center San Jose CA He has held visiting professor appointments at University of California at Berkeley University of Cambridge UK Technical University Vienna Austria University of Paris Orsay ETH Zurich and EPFL Lausanne
Research Interest
Fundamental studies with a focus on scanning probe techniques in the interdisciplinary areas of bio/nanotribology/nanomechanics and nanomaterials characterization in bio/nanotechnology and biomimetics.
Manijeh Razeghi received the Doctorat d\État es Sciences Physiques from the Université de Paris, France, in 1980. After heading the Exploratory Materials Lab at Thomson-CSF (France), she joined Northwestern University, Evanston, IL, as a Walter P. Murphy Professor and Director of the Center for Quantum Devices in Fall 1991, where she created the undergraduate and graduate program in solid-state engineering. She is one of the leading scientists in the field of semiconductor science and technology, pioneering in the development and implementation of major modern epitaxial techniques such as MOCVD, VPE, gas MBE, and MOMBE for the growth of entire compositional ranges of III-V compound semiconductors. She is on the editorial board of many journals such as Journal of Nanotechnology, and Journal of Nanoscience and Nanotechnology, an Associate Editor of Opto-Electronics Review. She is on the International Advisory Board for the Polish Committee of Science, and is an Adjunct Professor at the College of Optical Sciences of the University of Arizona, Tucson, AZ. She has authored or co-authored more than 1000 papers, more than 30 book chapters, and fifteen books, including the textbooks Technology of Quantum Devices (Springer Science+Business Media, Inc., New York, NY U.S.A. 2010) and Fundamentals of Solid State Engineering, 3rd Edition (Springer Science+Business Media, Inc., New York, NY U.S.A. 2009). Two of her books, MOCVD Challenge Vol. 1 (IOP Publishing Ltd., Bristol, U.K., 1989) and MOCVD Challenge Vol. 2 (IOP Publishing Ltd., Bristol, U.K., 1995), discuss some of her pioneering work in InP-GaInAsP and GaAs-GaInAsP based systems. The MOCVD Challenge, 2nd Edition (Taylor & Francis/CRC Press, 2010) represents the combined updated version of Volumes 1 and 2. She holds 50 U.S. patents and has given more than 1000 invited and plenary talks. Her current research interest is in nanoscale optoelectronic quantum devices. Dr. Razeghi is a Fellow of MRS, IOP, IEEE, APS, SPIE, OSA, Fellow and Life Member of Society of Women Engineers (SWE), Fellow of the International Engineering Consortium (IEC), and a member of the Electrochemical Society, ACS, AAAS, and the French Academy of Sciences and Technology. She received the IBM Europe Science and Technology Prize in 1987, the Achievement Award from the SWE in 1995, the R.F. Bunshah Award in 2004, and many best paper awards.
Research Interest
Nanoscale, Optoelectronic, Quantum devices
Minna Hakkarainen is Professor in Polymer Technology and the Head of Polymer Technology Division at KTH Royal Institute of Technology in Stockholm, Sweden. Her research interests include sustainable polymers, additives, graphene-derivatives, polymer blends and composites for packaging and biomedical applications, recycling of polymers and biomass to green chemicals and carbon materials, and further utilization of these products for design of functional materials. Recently she developed microwave assisted processes for valorization of biomass to value added carbon products. She has published more than 120 scientific papers in international peer reviewed journals as well as several book chapters. She has led several national and international research projects.
Research Interest
Her research focus is degradable and biobased polymers, nanocomposites and polymer additives for packaging and biomedical applications. She also has special interest in microwave reactions, graphene derivatives and characterization of polymer degradation by mass spectrometry