Biography: Joseph D Lichtenhan
Statement of the Problem: The major cause of battlefield mortality and morbidity is uncontrolled hemorrhage, with non-compressible wounds particularly to blame. Many attempts have been made to find a product or device that fulfills the Armed Forces designation of a "perfect" hemostat, but little success has been achieved.
POSS (polyhedral oligomeric silsesquioxane) additives provide unique opportunities to rationally control permeation, transport and surface modification of both man-made and biologically relevant materials. POSS enhanced medical and personal care products have been in the UK and US markets for several years. This presentation will highlight POSS® as a hemostatic device.
Recently we conducted preliminary tests on the in vivo hemostatic capabilities of a syringible semi-liquid elastomer. We demonstrated hemostatic properties in vitro, and found the POSS formulation exhibits many of the desired properties of an ideal hemostat. Additionally, we observed that POSS reduced or stopped hemorrhage in what currently is known as the standard Armed Forces porcine model of uncontrolled hemorrhage.
The mechanism of action of the POSS viscoelastic hemostat, along with its comparative performance relative to other hemostatic agents will be presented