Jin Ho Lee
Hannam University, South Korea
Title: Well-defined conjugated macroelectrolytes as efficient interlayers for organic optoelectronics
Biography: Jin Ho Lee
The many biological processes in the body are mediated by physical or biochemical signal gradients. There are many kinds of signal gradients in the body, including chemotaxis, heptotaxis, and mechanotaxis. These signal gradients induce the differentiation of stem cells to specific target cells and thus can regenerate target tissues or organs. So, if we can control these physical or biochemical signals and their gradients, we may be able to have more control cell behaviors and enhance tissue formation. We have tried to fabricate various 2D and 3D physical and biochemical gradients for differentiation of stem cells to regenerate target tissues. Among the polymer matrices with these signal gradients, pore size, stiffness, and growth factor gradients to control stem cell differentiations and target tissue regeneration will be discussed in this presentation.