Mohamed Mahmoud Nasef
University Technology Malaysia
Dr. Mohamed Mahmoud Nasef is a Professor at Malaysia-Japan International Institute of Technology, University Technologi Malaysia (UTM), Malaysia. He is also a Deputy Director the Centre for Hydrogen Energy at the same university. Dr. Nasef holds a PhD in Chem. Eng. from UTM. He is one the panel of experts of the International Atomic Energy Agency (IAEA) in the field of radiation modification of polymers. Dr. Nasef authored numerous articles in renowned journals, book chapters and review articles (H-index 27). His research interests include ionic and functional polymeric materials such as new adsorbents/membranes for separation/purification technologies and electrochemical devices.
Research Interest
Ion Exchange,Ion Exchange Resins,Environmental Chemistry,Chemical Engineering Education Research,Grafting,Membranes,Electrochemistry,DSC,Films